Weed News: United Airlines CEO Needs Weed Advice From Barack Obama

weed news

Weed News: United Airlines CEO needs weed advice for better speech making after the scenario where the United Airlines Security beat an old doctor while deplaning him.

Weed News: United Airlines is a mess right now. WOW! Who does that? Okay. I won’t say the CEO of the company is the one who dragged the older man out of the plane. But Jeez! Did you listen to his speech?

First, let’s get you up to speed if you don’t know what happened. Just watch this video.


After watching, perhaps I think I still need to give you a recap of the story.

When United Airlines oversold flight 3411 by four seats, the crew offered $800 to passengers to reschedule.

Nobody moved.

United needed to put four crew members on the plane, so they randomly chose four passengers and commanded them to de-plane.

One was Dr. David Dao. He refused to move, insisting he had patients to see the next morning. So they called security.

Security guards DRAGGED him out of his seat and off the plane. Horrified passengers caught the incident on video. You can see blood oozing from Dr. Dao’s mouth.

Nothing goes viral like a big corporation dragging a bleeding 67-year-old doctor down the aisle of an airplane!

The USA Today Headline said:

United Airlines CEO doubles down, says employees followed procedures, the flier was ‘belligerent.’

I quote:

“This situation was unfortunately compounded when one of the passengers we politely asked to deplane refused and it became necessary to contact Chicago Aviation Security Officers to help,” the letter says. “While I deeply regret this situation arose, I also emphatically stand behind all of you, and I want to commend you for continuing to go above and beyond to ensure we fly right.”

“This is an upsetting event to all of us here at United. I apologize for having to re-accommodate these customers.”

Have you ever been on the receiving end of a BAD APOLOGY?

This has to be the worst apology I’ve heard in years. I predict United CEO Oscar Munoz’s head will roll over this.

This is a STELLAR example of being technically right about a bureaucratic policy, but having an emotional IQ of minus 12.

There’s something very very important we all need to glean from his awful apology.

Okay. Looking around the world today, we see leaders making horrible speeches. They are causing more pain with their words or lack of it thereof, destroying the faith their voters or Board of Directors have in them. Just have a look at the speeches of Donald Trump, and you will see that this needs fixing.

On the other hand, President Barack Obama made excellent speeches. We might want to consider that this guy has some dark lips. He has been known to buy weed online before and during his presidency, and when it comes to using the game of words to getting the country together, his art was spotless.

What strains did President Obama take? How did he manage his dosage? What else did he do to make sure that he was ready for his speeches and delivered them with a bang?

Okay. Let’s get our guy Barack here and bring out his game of words after taking his weed. Perhaps President Obama could have made a speech like this:

“I was as horrified as all Americans everywhere when I witnessed a 67-year-old doctor dragged from one of our airplanes.

“As CEO of United, I take full responsibility for this. It is utterly against our values for any passenger to treat that way. I have personally called this man and apologized and asked if he will meet with our board members and me privately so that all of us can express our sorrow over this incident.

“For a very complex set of reasons, the airline had no choice but to ask four passengers to de-plane. In this particular situation, none of the passengers was willing to re-route. We have never encountered that exact situation. Our policy manual did not provide an appropriate set of actions for our crew.

“Had this passenger been carrying weapons or misbehaving, then the use of force would have been entirely appropriate. But it was not suitable for this 67-year-old doctor. So we will be revamping our procedures. We will also carefully examine the systems that led to this flight overbook the first place.

I apologize to our employees, our passengers, our Club members, and all airline patrons everywhere. We will make sure this never happens again.”

Do you see it?

Better, right?

Let’s get this straight. The only way to forgive is a proper apology.

One of the things they never teach you in business school, or PR school, is how to issue a sincere and meaningful apology.


And if you can’t apologize properly, you’ll never be forgiven properly.

This incident dinged United’s stock price and gave them a black eye in front of millions of people.

From now on, every time United overbooks a flight and has to ask passengers to re-route, this story will murmur throughout the entire plane. This incident cost the company somewhere between $10 million and $100 million.

Everybody knows that regardless of any policy or situation, no passenger who bought a ticket and who promise a seat should then violently drag from their place.

And yes, somebody is guilty according to the Weed News.

Swallow your pride, Moon Rock Clear, Mr. CEO (ALL of us are guilty at times, are we not?), and admit your guilt.

I promise you; everything will go FAR better afterward, especially after you take some weed news or some weed advice from the speech artists of your time like President Barack Obama.

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