CBD For Athletes: What You Need To Know About Cannabidiol

Side-Effects of CBD Oil

Six benefits of CBD for Athletes

As athletes, we put a lot of stress on our bodies, with positive and negative effects. Training stress stimulates adaptation and increased performance, but physical trauma and prolonged wear also cause injury and pain. Current pain management methods are useful, but they are even killing people.
In search of better sports recovery and safer pain relief, many people ask about cannabidiol or CBD for athletes. Should you?

Chronic use of over-the-counter pain relievers (i.e., NSAIDs such as ibuprofen and naproxen sodium) represents a higher health risk than previously known, and we are in the midst of an epidemic of opioid addiction and overdose that They kill tens of thousands of Americans every year.

In that domain, competitors are interested in the guarantees of cannabidiol (CBD) to relieve torment and reduce aggravation without the dangers associated with NSAIDs or narcotics.

Our CBD items directly for you? There is a lot to download and consider, so feel good and read on.

Is CBD legal for Competitors?

Truly. As of mid-2018, the World Anti-Doping Agency (AMA) expelled the CBD from the list of denied substances, inside or outside the challenge. (Here is the AMA Prohibited List of 2019). The US Anti-Doping Agency UU. (Used) did the same. There is an essential condition: ONLY CBD was expelled from the restricted summary.

The psychoactive segment of cannabis, THC, is still excluded in rivalry, as are designed cannabinoids. The particular wording is: “The accompanying cannabinoids are denied: natural cannabinoids, for example, cannabis, hashish, and marijuana. Designed cannabinoids, p. Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and different cannabimimetic.”

Interestingly, AMA established a urinary edge of 150 nanograms per milliliter of THC, which is significantly more forgiving than the last 15 nanograms reaches per milliliter. The upper limit is intended to reduce the danger of a competitor having a positive result due to natural use outside the challenge.

An article from USA Today in 2016 quoted Ben Nichols, an AMA representative who stated: “Our data propose that numerous cases do not include the use of the game or the day of the occasion. The new level of advantage is an effort to ensure that the use of the challenge is recognized and not used during the days and weeks before the challenge. ”

CBD Basics

Competitors can legitimately devour cannabidiol; however, what is it, what does it do, and why would it be used? First, cannabinoids from now on exist in your body. Researchers have recognized what they call the endocannabinoid framework (ECS) that balances the movement of neurons. (9) Cannabidiol (CBD) is a phytocannabinoid that is usually found in the cannabis plant. Unlike THC, which is also found in cannabis, CBD is not psychoactive.

Beyond that, researchers who see how ECS works and how CBD impacts it continues to develop. For quite some time, examining around was challenging to finish due to the legal status of cannabis. However, in light of the latest research and The Essentials of Pain Medicine, the Fourth version of 2018, these are the basics (5).

Within its sensory system, two endocannabinoids (2-AG and EAE) are created in the postsynaptic neurons (downstream) and discharged into the neurotransmitter. They bind to the CB1 and CB2 receptors in the presynaptic neuron (upstream) and act to hinder the arrival of specific synapses. For example, when CBD is used to treat epilepsy, it can decrease the action of seizures by reducing, to some extent, the accumulation of glutamate, a new synapse.

CB1 receptors are found throughout the brain, spinal cord, and different tissues. CB2 receptors are also, however, a higher amount of them are located in the muscles of the resistant framework. The authorized CBD for CB1 receptors significantly affects the focal sensory system, and the official CBD for CB2 receptors significantly affects the decrease in irritation.

The primary motivation behind ECS is, according to all accounts, to maintain homeostasis, which it does when monitoring synapse levels. It could be seen that the use of CBD supplements or builds the movement of the endocannabinoid framework existing in your body.

As a competitor, he applies more concern to his body, causing more prominent torment and aggravation than his endocannabinoid structure can withstand. The inclusion of exogenous CBD can allow this overload framework to regain control of its synapses and help competitors take care of homeostasis.

Six benefits of CBD for competitors

1. Facilitate the torment

Studies have shown that cannabis (mostly THC and significantly less CBD) is viable to decrease suffering, including the musculoskeletal torment of exercise, as well as solid joints. (5) There is little research on CBD alone or a 1: 1 ratio of THC to CBD. This is a territory where the evidence and natural credibility are the best we have until the exam is updated. Despite the absence of substantial evidence, the CBD seems to ease the torment adequately for some competitors.

2. Alternative to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

cbd for athletes have been taking over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen (Advil) and naproxen sodium (Aleve) for decades. Still, they may not be as safe as we once thought.
In particular, athletes of absences are recommended to avoid nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs during long training sessions and events, due to the increased risk of kidney damage. But even if your workouts and events are short, long term or frequent use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can increase your risk of heart attack and stroke.

Some athletes have discovered that the pain relief effect of CBD can reduce or eliminate their use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications for exercise-related pain, with minimal side effects. According to The Essentials of Pain Medicine, fourth edition, “There are no documented deaths from cannabis or cannabinoid-based products.
In a systemic review of oral and oral mucosal cannabis studies for various medical conditions, most reports of adverse events were considered non-serious (96.6%). ”

3. Alternative to opioids

According to the CDC, in 2016, opioids participated in more than 42,000 deaths in the US. UU. Opioid analgesics (i.e., morphine, codeine, oxycontin) are highly effective for the treatment of pain, but carry a significant risk of addiction and death from overdose.
Cannabinoids are not as active as opioids for relieving high-intensity acute pain (5). Still, they can be useful for long-term pain management, either alone or in combination with other medications, with much less risk of dependence. Or accidental death.

4. Reduce inflammation

A little inflammation can be useful for athletes and help stimulate positive training adaptations. Too much inflammation hinders recovery and impairs performance. There are CB2 receptors both in the brain and in the periphery, but they are more concentrated in immune tissues.
The binding of cannabinoids to CB2 receptors can have an anti-inflammatory effect by reducing the production of cytokines (cell messengers). (8) In other words, CBD attached to CB2 receptors helps reduce the response when your immune system sounds the alarm after hard workouts.

5. Solve your bowel problem

Inflammation in the small and large intestine causes a lot of discomfort, and gastrointestinal distress is one of the main reasons why endurance athletes quit racing.
CBD will not solve the stomach problems of dehydration and overheating (two leading causes for athletes). Still, if you have underlying inflammation problems that contribute to intestinal problems during or after exercise, CBD may be useful in reducing your symptoms. There are CB1 and CB2 receptors in the colon. Symptoms of colitis were inhibited (in mice) when CB1 and CB2 receptors were activated. (8)

6. Improve sleep quality

Sleeping more and better sleep is one of the most effective ways in which an athlete can achieve more significant training gains. As an anecdote, athletes who consume CBD report greater ease of sleep and a more restful night’s rest. One possible reason for this could be the CBD that inhibits the reuptake of adenosine.

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) breaks down as your brain burns carbohydrates for energy, and adenosine gradually builds up in mind. A higher binding of adenosine to neurons inhibits the release of neurotransmitters, delaying brain activity, helping you feel calmer, and inducing sleep. Your body metabolizes adenosine while you sleep, and a short time later, low concentrations of adenosine help you wake up, and the process begins again.

By joining the same receptors to which adenosine adheres, CBD can inhibit the reuptake of adenosine, which helps it accumulate more quickly and makes you feel sleepy before. CBD can also have a potent anti-anxiety effect for some people, which can help them sleep and have a more restful sleep.

How to use CBD

New products containing CBD reach the market every week. You can ingest CBD through capsules, pills, or as an oil. You can inhale it as steam. It has been infused into sports drinks, recovery drinks, and all kinds of groceries. Some topical creams and lotions contain CBD oil, as well as tinctures/drops that can be placed under the tongue.

The way you consume CBD can affect how quickly you experience its effects. Capsules, oil, and edibles should be digested so that they may take a little longer. Topical creams are said to be faster than edible ones, and sublingual drops/tinctures are said to be the fastest (in addition to inhalation by vaping).

CBD is available as “full-spectrum” or “isolated.” The full-spectrum CBD products contain CBD and other compounds found in the original plant, which could include small amounts of THC. If the CBD was derived from industrial hemp, it is legally assumed that the THC content of the original plant is less than .3% (in Colorado). Products containing CBD isolates should only contain CBD. Isolation of CBD and CBD produced from hemp would be a better option, from an anti-doping point of view, for anyone with zero-tolerance drug tests at work (i.e., pilots).

How much CBD to use?

This is where things get complicated. There is no standard dose with a consistent effect for everyone. As CBD products are not well regulated, there may be inconsistencies in the amount of CBD contained in a product. And depending on your consumption of CBD (oil, gum, biscuit, recovery drink, tincture, steam), it can be challenging to be precise. The most accurate way to consume CBD is probably in capsules, or by calculating the number of milligrams of CBD in a given volume (that is, 1 milliliter) of a dye.
Companies that produce and sell CBD products recommend starting with a low dose and gradually increasing it based on the effects.

Conclusion and warning

The appearance of cannabidiol could mark a significant turning point in the way athletes recover from the stress of their training and manage occasional and chronic pains. The gigantic and visible warning is that at present, the use of CBD and how it is applied is ahead of science. Much remains to be learned about how the CBD works and how best to use it with athletes. This is not unusual, however. When sports drinks with high carbohydrates first appeared, it was clear that they helped improve performance, even if the formulas were not perfect and the mechanisms unknown.

Although it is not a prohibited substance for athletes participating or not in the competition, the potential risk for athletes is that the product you are buying does not contain what is indicated on the label. If it includes a significant amount of THC or another prohibited substance, you run the risk of a doping offense. As with everything else, it will be up to you to investigate and find a mark of confidence.
With what we know at this stage, the CBD offers excellent potential benefits and little risk. If you improve your recovery as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and sleeping pill, you can improve your athletic performance. And if you encourage athletes to reduce their use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, opiates and prescription sleeping pills, they will win even more victories.

CBD adapted to athletes

The World Anti-Doping Agency has decided to exclude cannabidiol from the list of banned substances from 2018, which opens the door for its use for medical purposes in sport. Marijuana’s relationship with sports has not always been the best CBD for athletes. Most professional leagues and competitions prohibit the consumption of cannabinoids in the world. It is consistently among the main reasons for sports disqualifications due to positive doping. However, since January 1, cannabidiol, or CBD, stopped integrating the list of substances not allowed by the World Anti-Doping Agency (AMA), which is in charge of drug testing at the Olympic Games, the UFC ( Ultimate Fighting Champion) and other sporting events. This is the first time since the creation of the list in 2004 that a cannabinoid is authorized for many of the leading sports competitions on the planet.

According to the agency, CBD has no potential to act as a performance enhancer, does not represent a health risk for athletes, and does not violate sportsmanship: the three criteria by which a drug can be vetoed. That is why last October, it was resolved that cannabidiol would not be included in the list as of January 1, 2018. “To review the list, experts examine sources such as scientific and medical research, trends, and intelligence collected from security forces and pharmaceutical companies to stay ahead of those who try to deceive the system, ”said AMA Director General Olivier Niggli.

CBD adapted to athletes

The social condemnation and anger of his sponsors made him publicly apologize for something that, in short, did not compete with anyone but him and who was sharing the smoke with him. This situation has not changed, but the removal of the CBD from the list of bans is a significant step forward that helps to get out of the stereotype of fumes and vague that is assigned to anyone who promotes the medicinal benefits of cannabis. And when it comes to high-performance sport, CBD can be an excellent ally for the treatment and recovery of athletes.

A little over a year ago, UFC American fighter Nate Díaz smoked CBD from his vaporizer at the end of a fight, arguing that he helped him with the inflammatory process. “If you smoke it before and after fights and training, it will make your life better,” Diaz said. In the NFL football league, several players have publicly claimed to be allowed to consume CBD legally. The reason is that CBD interacts with a receptor known as TRPV-1, which is involved in the perception of pain, inflammation, and body temperature.

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CBD for athletes is everywhere, and much more frequently, we see how this cannabis component improves the lives of millions of people. Scientific research has demonstrated its multiple properties, among which many are favorable to athletes. The effects of CBD on sports performance and the benefits that CBD provides in sports recovery from injuries are already known.

The application of CBD in the sports field is in vogue: high-performance athletes and fans, in general, have found a companion in their sports life at CBD, being useful in the treatment of pain, as well as in inflammations and sensations of weakness Over time, many more effects of CBD on sports performance will be discovered, but this is the best time to join the wave of CBD in sports. Dare to know more in this article.

What is CBD, and what are its benefits?

For millennia, cannabis has been used by different cultures to treat diseases and ailments. This plant began to be studied in the middle of the 20th century when its components could be known. While THC is responsible for hallucinogenic effects, CBD is responsible for relaxation and healing. Today we know that CBD is useful to treat ailments and diseases, but also to improve day to day.

It is already normal to see CBD as the solution to significant health problems. Although not so, scientific research has managed to specify multiple properties in which CBD can be useful. Epilepsy and multiple sclerosis are two of the primary diseases that CBD uses in their treatments, but many people seek it for relaxation.

Also, CBD has vast anti-inflammatory properties, this being one of its main ones, and which has a great impact on the sport. Also, CBD is indicated to address chronic pain, which may have involved in sports injuries. Why don’t you dare to try it?

Why is CBD used in sports?

Sports medicine is a specific area. How many times have we not seen amazing recoveries in high-performance athletes in just a matter of weeks? The CBD is a new guest in this area, but it has been shown to contribute actively to improve the performance of athletes and, also, help them to have a speedy recovery. All this is because CBD can deflate, relax, and deal with pain.

You may be thinking, how if after a good workout that keeps me in physical activity? I will consume a cannabis component that gets me high. You should keep in mind that, in any circumstance, the CBD will not be able to take drugs. But only to relax, making you can lead your sporting life as you always have.

What is CBD used in sports?

After a workout routine or any exercise, the human body can react in different ways. Some people feel deep muscle pain, while others resent previous inflammations and injuries. It is also common to feel nauseous or deep tiredness. Given that, the benefits of CBD for athletes acts so that you can make your workouts a less awkward or annoying moment.
But have you ever wondered why you should need CBD while training or during a recovery? Your athletic performance can be excellent, but perhaps you can think, for example, how many times you have suffered pain that has warranted the intake of any Ibuprofen or other drugs. Wouldn’t it be better to use a completely natural component that would not generate any damage internally? Find out below some of the improvements that CBD can provide to your sports performance.

Chronic pain

If there is something widespread in the world, it is a pain. For this reason, pain relief is one of the main reasons why people approach CBD. In this case, athletes benefit. Chronic pain is one of the ailments that CBD can relieve and reduce, which is helpful for high-performance athletes, especially those who have injuries.

But why is CBD useful for pain in athletes? CBD has analgesic properties, which are capable of attacking chronic pain. CBD interacts with CB1 receptors that are in the central nervous system, and that sends signals that cause pain to be inhibited. A study by the University of California, along with other institutions in that state, determined that cannabis, in general, can reduce neuropathic pain in patients.

Anti-inflammatory properties

A blow, a fall, an infection. Inflammations are one of the leading causes present in the sport that generate injuries of all kinds. For this reason, anti-inflammatories are the most used drugs among athletes. But can there be a natural solution to all this? The anti-inflammatory properties of CBD are widely known and can provide athletes with sustained healing.

CBD is considered a substitute for ibuprofen for athletes. This drug is the best-known anti-inflammatory in the world, and millions of athletes use it to soothe their pain. However frequent consumption of ibuprofen has serious health consequences, such as liver problems, blood circulation, and ulcers. Given this, uses of CBD by multiple athletes as a natural anti-inflammatory without negative impacts on the body.


Are you one of those who feel nauseous after practicing a sports activity? You are not alone: ​​many athletes suffer from nausea and discomfort, although they do not often talk about it. However, the CBD has answers in this regard.

Especially in the treatment of chemotherapy of cancer patients, CBD and other cannabinoids have proven effective in placating nausea. Some studies have concluded that mainly CBD can suppress nausea and vomit a limited dose. If you are an athlete who continually suffers from nausea, why not approach CBD?

General relaxation

Have you had an anxiety crisis or suffered from deep stress and tension before or after training? Perhaps the best remedy for this is the concentration on relaxation, but CBD can contribute in this regard. A large part of CBD consumers worldwide has reached this component only to relax more and be calm in situations that can become complicated. So why can’t athletes add to this?

Countless scientific studies have brought light in this area, to conclude that just a few drops of CBD oil can make you overcome constant irritability or a stressful situation. Elite athletes continuously suffer from these situations, and CBD relaxation allows you to see things more clearly. Best of all, the CBD is entirely natural and will not be able to drug you at any time.

Antispasmodic properties

Train, eat healthy, sleep right. The athlete’s life regime has few comparisons with other professions and trades, but sometimes, muscle spasms affect the body categorically. No matter what aspect of life they are in spasms come when you least expect it. The good news is that CBD, like other cannabinoids, has antispasmodic properties, which allow athletes to value a new alternative.

The CBD’s work with the receptors helps to relax the muscles and allow them to stretch and strengthen without pain. This represents a tremendous instantaneous help for athletes in the face of this recurring discomfort. Muscle spasms can decrease after the consumption of CBD due to the action it has on the body. If you suffer from seizures frequently, why don’t you dare to try it?

How does CBD serve in sports recovery?

There is nothing worse for an athlete than an injury. That means pain, treatments, doctors, time without training and competing, and countless setbacks. That prevents the healthy development of a sports career and can even lead to truncating it. Have you ever wondered what you can do to make sports injuries more bearable and heal in less time? CBD can be one of the answers that help your process.

Thanks to its antispasmodic properties, CBD allows faster regeneration and strengthening of the muscles, in case the lesion is of that type. The CBD’s work directly with the receptors of the endocannabinoid system aiming at reducing inflammation and relaxing the muscles, thus ensuring a speedy recovery.

The treatment of pain, so present in the recovery of an injury, is another of the elements in which the CBD can contribute favorably. This is related to the protection that CBD provides to the brain. Mainly when a traumatic injury occurs in the skull. Cannabis, in general, has this protective capacity that can take seriousness from possible damage.

How can CBD be consumed for sports?

How many forms and presentations have you not seen exist for the CBD? In the case of the application for athletes, each has a differentiated use that can allow healing in different aspects. For example, for muscle aches, the most advisable is the application of CBD ointments and lotions on the skin, which can provide relief.
On the other hand, if the athlete’s problems refer to the anti-inflammatory part or to feeling nauseous. One of the most common applications is vaping, through different devices in which the CBD can be introduced. This stands out over the others for its effectiveness in the arrival of relief. If you look for it more for relaxation and anxiety control. It may be that the best way is to consume a few drops of CBD oil.

Are there athletes who consume CBD regularly?

Of course. More and more high-performance athletes have made CBD an indispensable part of their sports careers. This is the case of the American cyclist Floyd Landis, winner of the Tour de France in 2006. Landis has used the CBD since 2006 after facing a hip replacement. His intention to use it is to relieve the chronic pain he suffers. Besides, Landis became an entrepreneur of the CBD and has now re-entered the world of cycling thanks to the money he has made with cannabis.

Also, the American cyclist and triathlete Andrew Talansky sought muscular relief in the CBD and found much more than that. Just a couple of weeks after starting to use it, Talansky felt relief not only on his hip. He was also sleeping better and was less anxious. This case is repeated in many other sports. The Olympic gold medalist in snowboarding, Ross Rebagliati, consumes CBD to treat inflamed or sore muscles.

Is it legal to use CBD in high-performance competitions?

Surely you know that, despite its benefits, CBD remains illegal in many countries of the world to be part of cannabis. Something similar happens in sport, as not all disciplines already consent to the use of CBD by their athletes. However, they achieved the most significant step already. Since 2018, the World Anti-Doping Agency has excluded CBD from its list of prohibited substances.

Despite this, each sports discipline has its specific rules, which vary between countries and regions. In any case, the consumption of CBD among athletes is making its way. And its legalization at a general level is unstoppable.

Is it safe for me to use CBD when playing sports?

Can I decompensate if I use CBD for my sports practices? No way. Just as CBD is not able to drug you, it cannot harm you either. So far, there occurred no deaths due to CBD consumption, nor observed have any overdoses due to CBD.

You can be sure that CBD will not harm your sports performance. However, if it is your first time consuming it. Experts recommend consulting with your sports doctor. And that the dose you consume is relatively small. So that you can appreciate its effects without any setback or discomfort.


A world as complex as that of sports requires solutions that can significantly help its athletes. The CBD has been getting to know and demystifying, allowing athletes to find relief thanks to its multiple properties. Inflammations, spasms, anxieties, nausea … CBD has shown great relief for elite athletes, so its consumption in sports has increased rapidly.

Scientific research continues to advance, and as that happens. CBD is making its way into new applications for improving body health. Athletes are big winners, so why don’t you start enhancing your sports career with CBD right now?

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